Monday, 8 April 2013

13 ROOMS - Tuesday 9th April 2013 - My Sore Foot

13 ROOMS – Tuesday 9thApril 2013

Getting to Wharf 2/3this morning is proving to be difficult (I write as I travel). My intentions toarrive earlier than the call time (10:30am) are now but a dream and arriving ontime seems impossible. The 544 from outside DEPS was late but city bound trainwas bang on time so I missed that. Still, I’m on my way now.

Unfortunately I havean extremely painful right foot. I have been training for the San FranciscoHalf Marathon (June 16) and somehow have done ‘something’. The ambiguity of thepain’s root cause is a mystery.  I made it (better late than never) I received a friendly but nonetheless terse email from production staff member, 'Gary next time you're running late text me...' Though, I had an awkward and painful hobble from the station to the wharf.

Welcome to 13 ROOMS Pier 2/3 Walsh Bay 

In case you didn't know, in my small part of 13 ROOMS I will be standing still in a corner for half hour periods over a 4.5-hour shift. Atyesterday’s rehearsal I stood for just a single half hour session and my footthrobbed like a bulge in a spandex pump.

Caught up with two of my fellow Santiago Sierra performers Vietnam Veteran's, Gregg and Doug. Gregg and I discussed war and geopolitics. Gregg ananti-war activist and speaks out about Australia’s involvement in both Iraq andAfghanistan. We have veterans representing both Iraq andAfghanistan Gregg stresses that his activism is directed at government not veterans. During the 13 ROOMS project he willbe wearing a T-Shirt (vetted by the artist Santiago Sierra) with the slogan WARON TERRORISM with the word ‘ON’ crossed out and replaced by the word ‘IS’. I’ll ask Gregg if I can grab aphoto.

Just finished my first30 minutes corner ‘interpretation’. It’s very difficult, however, the opportunity toapply those ‘empty’ minutes as an entry to some new tactile sensory experience isto great to pass up. So far the time staring into white noise is an uncontrolledexplosion of memories, ideas, aches and pains free of defined purpose orboundaries. Memories, ideas and thought pop in only to be washed away byanother mob of the same who in turn follow the same path. The idea for me at least,is to hold onto these chaotic ideas, thoughts and memories and follow themthrough in order to give the time spent in tight white space a sense ofpurpose. 

                                                 XAVIER LE ROY, UNTITLED 2012

It’s not my goal to searchfor some deep meaning but more of a tool to enjoy the experience as well as tosee what I can discover about myself when facing the white space for half hour. As we say in the entertainment business, 'break for lunch people'.

Corporate Art Fans Flood The 13 ROOMS Art Space

Getting close to end of days. It has been an excellent day and each half hour spot provides me with another perspective on myself, gallery visitors as well as the incredible array of sounds I am tuning into. Today I’ve heard amongst other sounds, a dog barking, one harbour horn, kids laughing, clapping, multiple industrial noises (a foley artist’s smorgasbord) and the perpetual sounds of the 13 ROOMS door’s opening and closing.


My visitors today were a bit thin on the ground as it was corporate sponsor employee day. However, I did have a noticeable amount of my door being opened then quickly shut. I feel visitors find safety in numbers because I think solitary visitor tends to open Santiago Sierra’s door gaze then quickly shuts it. Still I heard two voices during my last shift. In the spirit of art and drama I present it as an extremely short play. 

Clark Beaumont 'Coexisting, 2013 Sarah Clark & Nicole Beaumont


Door opens to reveal an empty white room. Man stands in corner. Two people stand perplexed at the threshold of the room.
Voice 1, “Sad.”
Voice 2, “Too sad!”
Door slams shut.

Greg's T-Shirt 13ROOMS

1 comment:

  1. your experience in the white space is like my attempt at meditating: we both have monkey brain!
    Im feeling it Gary!
