Saturday 20 April 2013

Sunday 21st April 2013 13 ROOMS - Final Day: ThisIStheArtmyBeautifulFriendtheART

                                                             Last Day of 13 ROOMS

Last day for 13ROOMS and I feel relieved on one hand because it is over, however, I am melancholy as well. It has been a great experience. No, 13 ROOMS was more than simply a great experience it has been a wonderful opportunity to be part of a special event, a one off so to speak. My foot continues to throb but it’s not as painful as it was when I first started this gig. Still, in June if I am going to do the San Francisco half marathon I will need to rest my foot until May and then do as much training as possible. All my training from September 2012 has basically gone down the drain since my injury. I kind of wish I was still contemplating the marathon but I will aim to do a marathon later in 2013 or early 2014.

                                                                    Banksy Original

For now the ‘show must go on’. I can hear art fans wandering about with the occasional baby’s cry and laughter. A space used for a period of time contrasts itself with the experience prior and following the intensity of the said activity. The sudden and abrupt space break leaves the legacy of the human activity that perhaps some highly sensory people feel. Like the haunted house, torture chamber or drinking and eating at Café de la Paix if you are of a more literary bent. Thus, this wharf space once deconstructed (how witty is that) will return to its former identity and the sounds, activities, impressions and concepts of 13ROOMS will second by second disintegrate into bits and bytes of human memory.

Man, ‘Does he do anything?’
Woman, ‘’Dunno.’
Man, ‘Maybe he’ll turn around?’
Woman, ‘Dunno.’
Man, ‘Excuse me (to me) do you turn around?’
Woman, ‘Dunno.’
Man, ‘We’ll leave. Should we leave?’
Woman, ‘Dunno.’
Man, ‘Let’s just wait he might turn around.’
Woman, ‘Dunno.’
Man, ‘He doesn’t do anything.’
Woman, ‘Dunno.’
Man, ‘Let’s go.’
Woman, ‘Dunno.’

                                                  Art Advertising is everywhere

Not that I have much time to digest the twelve other rooms but from what I have seen I see two different aspects to the project rooms. I think rooms are made up of concrete interpretations and abstract interpretations. What I mean is if you enter the rooms belonging to Damien Hirst’s, Santiago Sierra’s, Baldessari (to a limited extent), Roman Ondak and Allora & Calzadilla’s you can if you wish make a judgment call on what you see before you i.e. Twins, Veterans’, Painting, Swap, Revolving Door. However, I truly feel Santiago Sierra’s piece throws more of a wobbly than anything Jackson Pollock created on his good days. The questioning and the concern of some visitors in relation to ‘what is he doing?’ I am doing what the artist has set out to do, ‘What is this one about?’, read the handout, do a five second research paper (it’s on the wall next to the door). People of course can do or say what comes to mind but there seems to be a tinge of hostility at the outset of the experience (some visitors). Today a hoity toity voice, ‘It’s all just so narcissistic, know what I mean…narcissistic?’ (it could be I suppose).

                                                                  Banksy Glass Art

Or, ‘Very powerful.’
‘Powerful stuff this art.’
‘Is it real?’
‘Makes you think.’
‘Can I get an ice cream?’
‘I’m not sure if we can get one in here.’
‘I like it…I think.’

I just had a moment in my room. There was a change over error as Greg walked out of the room under the impression I was in my corner. Leaving the green room I walked up to Greg and asked if he was ok (as he wasn’t in the room)? A mass of people snaked in and out. Creating the ubiquitous art block. I went in and was about to start my corner time when the questions started flying. It was serendipitous so I decided to go with the flow. The questions centred on:

1. Why did I have to face the corner?

2. Did I turn around?

3. Could I speak to them the art fans?

4. Are we ‘real’ veterans?

5.  How long do you stand there?

It was a pleasant exchange considering the almost two weeks of facing away from people and ‘ignoring’ their persistent but understandable questions. We got on well in that short break and I’m sure Santiago wouldn’t mind just the odd break of form. I mean we are people not statues.

Tom &Nick Getting Culture

Flags 4Art

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