Wednesday 10 April 2013

Thursday 11th April 2013 - MaintenancEofTHEArtSpaceOddiTy

Running late for opening day. Waiting for the train arriving in nine minutes as I just missed one. Arrive downtown approximately 10:25am, call time at gallery is 10:30am. However from station to theatre it’s a half hour walk but with a twisted foot ad ten minutes. The 431 or 433 can get me there in maybe 20 minutes (depending on city traffic).  

Made it after but not before a ‘where are you’ call from Alex.

On the 431 I spoke with a teacher from Barker College in Sydney who was herding a bunch of hand picked year four to six students to 13 ROOMS opening day. I gave them directions and we spoke about the production and how she and the boys were unsure of what they were getting themselves into. I said, when you enter any of the 13 rooms reflect on that initial feeling or thought as it will direct you somewhat towards a meaningful understanding of the piece.

                                                 Found on a street in Iraq circa 1991

13 ROOMS is coming alive with visitors. I had a visit from the lovely Yvette Hamilton and her bub, Leo. I managed to grab a quick 40-second chat because I dashed around the gallery looking for her. How did I know she was here? Yvette tagged a photo of me in the corner. I think I recall Leo making some critical remarks, ‘You call this art mum?’ Nice to see you Yvette thanks.

Also, if you visit you can talk to me, but I won’t talk to you, as Santiago Sierra does not want his sculptures interacting with humans in public. Visitors can say what they want.

If I don’t respond to you it’s because like old soldiers  I was only following orders.

Questions flying thick and fast from people intent on getting answers by any means necessary.  

‘Maybe he’s not allowed to talk Marge?’
‘And where’s his uniform Marge?’

I am a veteran I am out of the army and even if I did have my uniform the buttons would barely 

be able to meet my nipples.

‘So are those his working clothes Marge?’
‘When does he do something Marge?’’

                                              XU ZHEN In Just a Blink of an Eye, 2005

We’re all having fun. The day is going well and 13 ROOMS is packing them in. The door is hardly shut when it is thrust open. I must confess to jumping out of my PTSD skin every time my peaceful meditative state is snapped. I met the absolutely gorgeous Grace our current invigilator studying design at UTS. I told her she was wasting her time because she should be a model.

                                     Eyeball strain from too much staring into white noise

Holly & Gretal Damien Hirst: Georgia, Paris, 1992

Tony hustling: Roman Ondak - SWAP 201


 Our two Vietnam Veterans turned up. Visitors have been pouring through all afternoon and in many cases they are very interested in ‘what’s it all about’. Which I think goes to the heart of the obvious problem for audiences (in my opinion). Ideally, there’s nothing to explain but the watchers are demanding explanations. 13 ROOMS offers an experience that YOU the visitor create something, anything from. Remember he first lick of a paddle pop, skydive, scuba dive, thick Russian Penguin Classic read cover to cover, these are experiences you can’t hang on a wall, box or re-gift.  




1 comment:

  1. If you dont end up writing for a living you'll squander a serious talent!
